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Welcome to the Rotherly Day Nursery

Our Values 

  • To create a safe, happy, learning-rich environment where the happiness and well-being of everyone is paramount 

  • A high quality, fun play-based curriculum which builds on children’s needs and interests 

  • Foster a close partnership with families to help with their child’s development, education, health and well-being 

  • To learn and grow both indoors and outdoors within family groupings in an adaptable environment, to inspire a love of learning that facilities well-rounded development. 

Our Ethos 

  • We create a nurturing, safe and caring environment where the happiness and well-being of all children is paramount. 

  • We strive to provide an enabling environment which creates opportunities for all children to thrive.

  • We aim to create an environment where all children have a sense of belonging, valued, feeling loved and cared for, and promote accessible learning for all through continuous provision.

  • We recognise that a child’s parents or carers are their earliest and lifelong educators and advocates.

  • We value working together with parents and carers to share our understanding of each child’s needs and interests to best support their learning and development. 

  • Our child centred and holistic nature pedagogy allows our children to learn through play and sparks their curiosity through the use of In The Moment Planning.

  • Children will learn and grow in both indoors and outdoors in an adaptable environment; to inspire a love of learning that facilitates well rounded development. 

Our Rotherly Aspirations

Encompasses both the EYFS curriculum and the Characteristics of Effective Learning to promote thinking and problem solving, improve language competence and encourages the exploration and investigation of materials.    

  • The encouragement of all children being able to manage their self-care independently 

  • Recognising and celebrating others’ differences and similarities 

  • To be able to follow instructions for a simple recipe 

  • To have curiosity and love of the natural world 

  • To be able to persevere when challenges occur when problem solving 

  • To be able to retell/innovate a narrative using story vocabulary 

  • To grow in confidence in mark making using a range of tools 

  • To encourage children to express themselves through creativity 

Image of Manager Miss Bates

Miss Bates

Designated Safeguarding Lead,

Image of Deputy Manager Mrs Kirby

Mrs Kirby

Deputy Manager,
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Image of Nursery Strategic Leader Mrs Edwards

Mrs Edwards

Nursery Strategic Leader and Nominated Person, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Image of EYFS Leader Mrs Reynolds

Mrs Reynolds

EYFS Leader, Early Years Teacher

Image of Deputy Manager Miss Condon

Miss Condon

Deputy Manager,

Designated Teacher for PLAC and LAC
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

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