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Rainbow Room

A 12-place room with adult to child ratio of 1:3
Children aged 3 months to 2 years  

Our Rainbow children begin their journey within a welcoming, cosy and adaptable environment, that allows them to investigate and explore all their senses. We follow a child centred approach, creating an environment which allows the children to have freedom and curiosity for the natural world around them.  

The Rainbow room is divided into sections that allows the children to explore different areas. We have a messy area to allow the children to mark-make freely, and an indoor sandpit to investigate. Our cosy book area enclosed within a tent provides a quiet and calm space for reading, and regular music and movement time to encourage new language. We have a curiosity area that gives children the tools to explore loose part objects and everyday objects they may see within their home environment. We have created a cosy home corner, giving the room a sense of a home from home.

The Rainbows have their own separate enriching garden area which continues their exploration and curiosity of the natural world with a mud kitchen, an enclosed den under the trees, a sand and water tray and climbing equipment to support their physical development.  

Sleeping facilities within the Rainbow room is relevant to the age and stage of development. Younger babies sleep in traditional large prams within our safe and secure garden. The older babies will sleep in our separate sleep room, which is also used as our sensory room. 

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